- 24 oz Bud Lights (so big that Laura had to use two hands to take a sip)
- Ash and I started a clap-a-long - which sounds much lamer than it was (or exactly as lame as it was)
- When I asked Ash what his highlights were from last night, he said "the opener getting off the stage" (so we liked needtobreathe better, i'd say)
- He said another highlight was "the cattle scattered around the city". He thinks this was a highlight. I do not agree, I'd classify this under "whatever/lowlight" (they would have been a highlight, if they were REAL cattle, not sculptures. Then, every stereotype I had of Texas would come true - they DO have random farm animals roaming the street!)
Another true Texas classic - George Bush Turnpike, which Ash had to point out, was named while he was still in office. And he said I would probably not find an Obama highway anywhere. Good thing.
- Postgame TARTS and Cheerwine (which is essentially Carolina's cherry coke/dr. pepper hybrid - but highly touted by the Ellison family)

- A dogfight involving two former Mike Vick refugees in a parking lot on the walk back
- Our next concert...WOLFMOTHER.
- Lamest joke ever: What are the two dirtiest animals on the farm? Brown chicken, brown cow. Which apparently is supposed to sound like "bown-chicka. bow-wow." Welcome to Lameville, USA.
- Ash and I decided (ok, I decided) that we were going to have a contest to see who could wear their wristband from the concert longer. I'm winning (duh.)
- We played a post-concert round of Wii frisbee golf. Ash squeaked out a win over myself +3 to +12. Much like Phil Mickelson, I blew up on a few holes and it came back to haunt me. Unlike Ash's style of play, which I would comfortable refer to as "playing from the ladies' tees and laying up on every shot." I am more of "grip it and rip it" style of Wii frolf. Similar to both my real golf and campus golf philosophies. Also, in true dave style, fell asleep on the couch, mid-shot on the 8th hole. Again, Ash and I differ in our classifications on this one - I'd say it was on the lowlight end of the spectrum, Ash put this as one of his favorite moments of the trip so far. He also said that he could not wait to stack some bud light cans on my face tomorrow night "for old time's sake". Yeah, me too...
- Last night pre-concert, Laura proposed our first red light challenge during an episode of jeopardy. The Jeopardy question was something about a female celebrity being overweight. Without really thinking about an answer - I yelled "Kirstie Alley" "Britney Spears". Whilst Laura yelled "Tyra Banks." And Ash yelled...nothing, Ash hates celebrities. Either way, TODAY'S FIRST RED LIGHT CHALLENGE (answers left in the comments), name as many celebrities as possible who have been featured in the likes of People Magazine, US Weekly, etc. who were featured solely due to their sudden weight loss/gain and the resulting surprise/disgust/horror than ensued by the American public.
Here's a picture of Laura - just so y'all know that she is indeed part of these ridiculous adventures.
I am now sitting on the couch at Ash's place. Which also serves as my bed. Which is in the living room. Which also serves as the guest bedroom/study/balcony/dining room/movie theater/Wii frolf course. Needless to say, this apartment is spacious. From where I am sitting I can see every single place in the apartment, except for the bathroom (which oddly enough is just smaller than the bedroom).
Just ate some Count Chocula. And a chocolate chip cookie sandwich that Laura made (which is called a "sammie" because not only is it a cookie sammie/sandwich. It is also named, by Laura, affectionately after Oklahoma quarterback Sam Bradford. Yes, they love Oklahoma football so much that they name baked good products after him.)
I also drank some coffee this morning. And edited my fantasy team. Off to a big start for the weekend. Right now, Ash and I are watching CMT video countdown - Taylor Swift's singing in the rain about being 15. Whatever, Taylor. Seriously, let's just get back to more Carrie Underwood...
And today's SECOND CHALLENGE to my loyal readers - we are going to the Texas State Fair tonight. I am taking requests for photo ops of ridiculous/redneck/awesome things tonight. So if you have any ideas or physical challenges that you would like to see Ash, Laura, or I undertake, send them our way.
****THIS JUST IN - Ashley Blake informs me that in roughly an hour, we will be going to get BBQ for lunch. I am now giddy...****
Oprah. Jessica Simpson. Kelly Clarkson. Also, I get US Weekly. Also, glad you tagged wolfmother here; wouldn't have found the blog otherwise!